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SoundBath Experience


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What is a SoundBath? First of all, it’s not an actual bath. A SoundBath is a meditation experience that uses specific sound frequencies from visceral instruments like crystal singing bowls to promote deep rest and mental clarity. It’s called "sound bathing" because the soothing vibrations help release built-up stress, reduce anxiety, and quiet overactive thoughts. These sounds communicate calming vibrational frequencies to the brain, which then signals the Central Nervous System (CNS) to activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS)—responsible for rest, recovery, and healing - peace. The SoundBath Experience is a program offering three options in order to experience our immersive soundbath meditations. Each performance involves a spoken guided meditation, along with the performance of crystal singing bowls, and other visceral instruments. The following options are found below: You can register to attend any upcoming public SoundBath performances, or book a Private Group SoundBath event - at our wellness center or off-site at your home or location. Prioritize your wellbeing and let the soothing resonance of sound wash over you, releasing tension and renewing your energy. Contact us for more information!

CW Outdoor SoundBath
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